Thursday, November 29, 2007

free anti virus software download

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Top Anti virus

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Downloads free anti virus software and protect your computer from hackers spy ware and trojans
Best solutions of anti virus softwares

How a computer get affected by the virus. How anti virus attack and comes in a systems. how you can protect your pc from these attacts.

a virus is a computer program that can enter in your pc through several ways like bad cd, flopy, pan drives, internet etc. it does not require any permission for that. There are lacks of virus and every day new virus are created and same the their solutions also.

What a virus can do

it may slow your computer process and can damage your hard disk data. Computer virus are something different to computer worms and Trojans horses. but all these are very harmful to your system. Install the best possible anti virus software in your computer and save your computer. All most all types of anti virus now has the ability to block the virus from entering in the systems and delete them.